Thursday, June 26, 2008

Green Tea Shortbread Cookie

How fat does that sound?!? If you don't know how shortbread is made, let me sum it up for you. Butter, butter, and butter. Yes, all butter. That's why it's so tasty. Nonetheless, we just want to fullfill our daily sweet craving with one bit of BUTTER. 

I went to a Japanese grocery awhile back and saw this Green Tea Shortbread Cookie nicely packaged in a fancy japanese wrap. I couldn't resist myself .... I had to have a bit of it and see if it taste as good as it looks. Humm..humm... After that bit, i was determined to make a dozen or 2 myself and shared this with my friends regardless of the calorie content.

1 comment:

rony @ catbird said...

They were DELICIOUS! thanks for sharing